--6/21/01--Completed results for Card 1180. Final update for 2110. Started website for WTIC 2111.

--6/10/01--Corrected PREVIEW of Supercard 1180. Updated RANKINGS page.

--6/6/01--Added full version of SuperCard 1180 Preview. Reposted and republished.

--6/1/01--Updated nothing, even though it said I said it was updated, sorry.

--5/29--Put in brief preview of SuperCard 1180. Failed at loading Dog Collar Chart as photo. Updated news following Card 1170.

--5/17/01--Typed in the Choice Situation Chart, republished and reposted as always. Nothing else.

--5/13/01--Updated Rankings, and axed Futures page. Republished, but did not repost in GWF Guestbook. Also did not put "THIS SITE WAS UPDATED..." for this date on my homepage.

--5/07/01--Updated SuperCard 1170. Would have done more, but I am having trouble today updating pages. Republished & posted in the GWF Guestbook.

--5/03/01--Itemized the Intro page. Updated title changes and news after Card 1160. Previewed Card 1170. Republished & posted in the GWF Guestbook.

--4/26/01--Moved the UPDATES to its own page. Updated SuperCard 1160 and latest news on both Cards 1150 and 1160. Added MISSY HYATT update to Quantum-Polarity. Added to the Intro page, updated the Rankings. Posted in the GWF Guestbook.
UNDER CONSTRUCTION: FedHQ, new Choice Situation chart, WTIC Futures.

--4/21/01--Posted a message in the GWF Guestbook ("Good News...")

--4/19/01--Added a preview of SuperCard 1160. Updated the Home page to make it a TABLE OF CONTENTS page. Republished site.

--4/16/01--Was able to republish this website from another computer, but could not tap into the GWF Guestbook to report this.

--4/14/01--Posted a message on the GWF Guestbook that I could not republish this site. See UPDATE above for more info.

--4/10/01--Updated this page, completed the Quantum Polarity pages, and B.I.G. page. Also the 2109 Awards. Just need to republish.

--4/05/01--Added pages for the Splatter's Lottery under the page name "Lottery", and added SuperCard 1150. Reposted in the GWF Guestbook. Also republished this website.
UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Quantum-Polarity, Deimos Dog Collar, B.I.G., and the 2109 Year-End Awards.

--3/28/01--Tried to post in the GWF Guestbook, but could not. No cards played, so no updates to the site were made.

--3/20/01--Put in Super-Card results, and ratings, then I published the site! See my entry in the GWF Guestbook!

--3/15/01--Typed in the line-ups, intro, links and the first super-card.

--3/10/01--Started this site. Hope you like it.


UPDATES | Intro to WTIC | 2110 Line-up 1 | 2110 Line-up 2 | Line-up Notes | Card 1121 | Card 1130 | Card 1140 | Card 1150 | Card 1160 | Card 1170 | Card 1180 | Quantum-Po | Q-P page 2 | B.I.G. | Choice chart | Dog Collar | Lottery | 2109 Awards | Rankings | Links | E-Mail