NOTES: As you can tell, I shook up the rosters a bit. Here are some things I would like to clarify: MORPHEUS: This is the Morpheus 2079 card. In my fed, this is Morpheus' son. PHANTAST: This is the Dimension X card. He has been active and part of the Champions team since 2106. EURITAR CARNAGE: When the Code Enforcers entered my fed, the Original Code Enforcer was active at the time as part of Maxine Babe's group ("Reign Supreme"). To tell the difference between the three Code Enforcers, I had named them Code Enforcers Avenger, Bane, and Carnage. When Euritar was revealed, I kept that as his first name. Bane went back to being Manslaughter, and the Original Code Enforcer retired. K.O. KELLER: He entered my fed in 2107 as part of the Genesis team and has stayed there ever since. LONEWULF: This is Wolf's card from Classics 2086. In my fed, Lonewulf is Wolf and Amazonia's son. Wolf has long since retired, way back in 2102. NEBULA BLOODLINE: I added his first name to his card. MAELSTROM EVEL: Too many wrestlers' names begin with "M". I rename most of them. VECTOR ONE: Once active as part of Maxine Babe's group mentioned above, Vector One returns to the WTIC in 2110. PELF SUITE: I never went with the name "Penthouse Suite". It did not sound tough enough. "Pelf Suite" sounded perfect for Nora's team. Since my fed DID NOT LEAVE Dimension K in 2110-2111, the CPC was reabsorbed in 2110 instead. The takeover plans for 2112 will now have Colby's money backing them up. Also in my fed, Nora Pelf is back with Magnus Colby and the takeover plans for 2112 for Cordanus and Colby are taking root in 2110. MANDRILL GOROG: Too many "M"s again. "GOROG" sounds unique and fits Mandrill well. VICE: He has been part of the Colonizers team since 2106. GINO VALENTINE: I did not want too many modern day wrestlers in my fed, so I changed his first name. "Quantum-Polarity" had enough of the modern day wrestlers already. SPLATTER: Yes, Splatter's LOTTERY is still active in my fed!